A few people have mentioned recently that they are surprised I have made it this far without getting a job....and to be completely honest, so I am. Most of them have asked how I do it and this got me to wondering. How, actually, do I?
Well, I guess it's a few things. Living simply, spending more time at home, eating less in general, drinking tea instead of booze.
...but, if I am completely honest, this doesn't actually apply in my case. I'm a social juggernaut, I spend virtually no time at home, I eat constantly and I get-my-drink-on like a wayward sailor at port.
So...how am I doing it then???
Well, I think I may have stumbled upon the answer:
I am a scab.
YEPPPP.... a dirty, demanding, downright pathetic, scab.
Scabbing, in my accomplished opinion, is just two steps away from begging. The significant step in between is, of course, busking. And believe me, this option has definitely crossed my mind a couple of times. So luckily, at this point I have managed to avoid the inevitable rock hop into begging and rely on the generosity of friends, family and sometimes near strangers to give me a helping hand. You know who you are...and I'm certain you are probably getting sick of feeding me / buying me drinks / swinging me some lose change for the train / rolling me ANOTHER cigarette*.
Well, to all y'all who have given me such things, I thank you. I thank you from way down in the depths of my desperately empty pockets. You have been good to me, and oh, ummm... can you lend me 5 bucks?
...this is a joke.
....(but if you really want to give me money you can)
Uh oh... is that begging?